Thursday 26 February 2015

Lemon water and weight loss review

Lemons also known as citrus Limon lemons are oval in shape and have a yellow back peel. Lemon belong to the citrus family, it inner fruit is encased in segments.
The two main type of lemon are the Eureka and the Lisbon. There are some varieties of lemon that are sweet in favor. A notable example is the Meyer lemon.

History of lemon

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Placenta Consumption Benefits

Kim Kardashian declares she definitely  wants to eat her placenta”  source: daily mail reporter. How strange those that sound? It is strange but it is gradually becoming a trend with women who just delivered their babies all around the world. If you are reading this post the question is can you eat placenta?

Origin of placentophagia

Placentophagia is the art of eating placenta. Consumption of placenta is usually associated with nutritional belief, medicine and traditional belief. Culture that find eating of some or all part of the placenta are the Chinese, Hungarian, Italian, Vietnamese, Brazilian among others. Other cultures like some part of Africa and other culture around the world discard the placenta; some perform burial rites on it, while some bury it.

Mammals eat their placenta

 Humans are the only mammals that find eating placenta disgusting. Most mammals eat their placenta after giving birth to their young ones. Goats, Cows, Sheep, Cat etc.  Mum used to have goats back then and I have seen them eat it, they consume it in its raw form. Animals do this for a good reason and no one is talking about it.

Benefit of placenta

There are a lot of reasons why placenta is eaten and is encourage by ancient and modern cultures. Here are some reasons;
Medicinal purpose:
·     It boost milk production,
·     It cures infertility.
·       It is used as placenta encapsulation which helps in cure depression.
·      Balancing the hormones.
·     Reduces post natal bleeding.
·     Increase energy level.

Nutritional Purpose:

 Placenta is rich in vitamin B6, rich in protein and iron.
There is no doubt that placenta is highly medicinal and nutritional, disgusting or not people still eats it and more people will be convinced to try it. Would you encourage your sister, wife, friends and love one to eat placenta?

Monday 23 February 2015

4 Weird Drinks

There is no doubt that there are really strange things in this world. Strange things you must have seen and those you must have heard. When it comes to consumption,these strange stuff are weird indeed, but are to not weird to those that consumed them.

There are strange food eaten my man, and if there are strange food then it must be accompanied with strange drinks.

Here are some weird drinks you won’t want to try lol.

Liquid Smoking

This drink has fizzed out as quickly as it came. It is manufacture by Dutch manufacturer’s United Drink and Beauty Co -operation. It is popular with the Netherlands. It was created to help to help smokers beat the no smoking in public ban

Placenta Drink.

This drink is famous with the Japanese, Chinese, and Hungarian Vietnamese. It is believed that the placenta is very rich in nutrient and it helps the mother to recover after child birth and also helping with milk supply. It is a trend that is gaining popularity with women all around the world.   

Gau Jal (Cow Urine Drink)

The India Hindu Nationalist movement is working on making a drink from cow urine that will rival top like Pepsi and Coca cola drinks.

Lizard wine

Lizard wine is a Chinese drink that is prepared with Gecko and adding ginseng in a clay pot that is filled with fermented rice. It is left for 12months before is ready to drink.